Nutritional Analysis


Nutritional deficiency causes cell degeneration resulting in mental, physical, and emotional symptoms, and, in the long term, accelerates ageing.

Deficiencies in VITAMINS, MINERALS, AMINO ACIDS, EFAs, DIGESTVE ENZYMES, and TISSUE SALTS can result in all manner of symptoms, which in turn weaken the body’s defence system against serious illnesses.

  • Do you often feel tired and lethargic?

  • Do you suffer from PMT?

  • Do you suffer from insomnia?

  • Do you feel stressed?

  • These are just some of the symptoms of Nutritional Deficiencies.

    Your Nutritional analysis will be carried out by YOUR Practitioner, Earth-G Seasun-Moonstar. Earth-G is a member of I.P.T.I. and a certified Practitioner of QXCI, the Energy Scan Bio-Resonance System (BIOENERGYSCAN). Earth-G specialises in Health Coaching. He has ten years experience in Nutritional Analysis and Allergy Testing.

    CONSULTATION Please note that during YOUR consultation, your Practitioner will make recommendations based upon the results of YOUR nutritional analysis.

    Your Practitioner can supply you concentrated Herbal Foods that are system specific, and are based on the philosophy of REGENERATION. That is, Nourish + Cleanse = Balance.

    TIME: 1 HOUR

    FEE: £130 (Includes Consultation)

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